Hello, it’s likely that if you are seeing this you’ve become a new follower. I’ve used this Medium account as a dumping ground for writings, musings, and how-to guides after trying to tangle one too many times with my own various WordPress installations. Somewhere along the way I checked the box to be a “Partner” and some small checks (Maybe $100 / year) started to roll in. Recently, I was notified that unless I do the like, subscribe and follow hustle, Mama Medium was going to cut me off. So, here we are.
For the foreseeable future, I will be re-following all my followers so if you haven’t already please give follow for follow :) But for those who actually might be interested in my content, I’d like to help point to a few things in this catch-all of a blog, as well as provide some “Friend Links” to the articles to save you on monthly views if you are on a free account.
I’m a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy fiction, and have begun writing a series called Windfall, with about 8 “chapters” finished so far. Not my most popular content, but closest to my heart. Read the first chapter, and each following chapter contains links to the next :)
I’ve been an iOS software engineer for over 10 years, currently at Apple, but previously at Facebook, Startups, and my own small App Boutique shop that I ran in Hawaii. Despite doing Software for most of my working hours, tinkering with software remains a major hobby for me, and I’ve posted a few articles that have gotten traction in that vein:
- PGE Wall: Details about a tool I wrote that allows you to import your electric usage data and estimate savings provided by adding Solar or Tesla Power wall batteries to your home. This is a full “simulator” that actually factors in hourly usage, rates, and battery capacity to determine as close as possible to the real savings and how many years for return on investment.
- Hasura authentication with Firebase: A howto for using Hasura (a cool tool for quickly leveraging Graphql in your webapps) with Firebase (a common and initially free host for webapps)
- Defending against bots: Wrote while I was working at a company that made gait based authentication solutions, but relevant still to understanding the problem websites face when they enter the crosshairs of bad actors.
Tinkering / Hacking
Often with a software bent, but not always, I post (and will continue to post) about updates to the RV, Raspberry Pi hacks, and Home Automation stuff that I’m into.
- Solar Panel on RV: The adventure of putting a few old solar panels on my RV, and then going nuts and adding battery backup, storage, and iPad automation :)
- Electric Vehicle Buyers Guide: Some thoughts to help readers decide on what EV might best suit them
- Using PI in Model X to scrape and combine security video: Likely no longer needed, but a fun exercise before the latest tesla software updates.
My most viewed, but least invested article is one on playing Gacha games on iOS. Feel free to join the revenue stream.